The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

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Since the PNG Lightning Maroon hit the online world, there’s been over 100+ threads on it.  I’m not about to link to them all here, but I found the conversations  I had with a few of my fellow TCMAS (Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society) members very interesting.  The original thread is here ( ), […]

So good news!  The fine folks @ SEASMART and BLUE ZOO have more PNG Maroons for me, on their way from Fisherman’s Island! Amazing how a short chain of custody, with fish collected specifically to fill particular orders, can work to the hobbyist’s benefit.  I’m eager to see what arrives and to document it all. […]

My May/June 2010 issue of CORAL Magazine just arrived today. I knew what was coming, but still, it’s always exciting to get a fresh issue of CORAL.  Ret Talbot’s article in Reef News on the Lightning Clown provides yet another view on the story of the Lightning Maroon.  There’s a bit more about SEASMART as […]

I sent this one out to the experts, but I’m withholding my own thoughts.  This is the PNG Saddleback I mentioned earlier when I talked about Formalin dipping “replaceable” fish before going with the Maroons.  This Saddleback has been in hyposalinity (1.010) and has had a formalin dip daily for the last 3 days.  The […]

Being down at the TCMAS frag swap today, many folks asked me for clarification…how many Lighting Maroons are there and how many was I actually sent by Blue Zoo Aquatics? Well, according to Reef Builder’s Jake Adams…there have been two collected.  Three if you count the fish that Jake and Guin helped report about on […]

Today I went with Jay and Jim and made the trip to the TCMAS Frag Swap to deliver many of the fish I sold to help finance this adventure.  Thanks once again for everyone who chipped in on a moment’s notice! Got back, and things are looking OK.  Back to work for me…which has been […]

Well, things are going well.  Maroons are sleeping, doing well hours after their Formalin dips. First, just to reiterate, my camera’s transfer cord was lost somewhere between LIRA’s NERAC V @ Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead, NY, and home (Duluth MN).  Thus, there are tons of pictures being taken, but sadly, until the replacement cord […]

Ret Talbot put together a great writeup on the back-story of the Lighting Maroon Clownfish from PNG.  He pulled in statements from many of the players and really provides a great synopsis.  Check it out on BlueZooAquatics –

Life Altering Chaos…light getting stuck by lightning! I’ve been scrambling, working overtime, and bottom line, the timing of this opportunity couldn’t have been worse.  But you can’t really pick when Steven Paul is going to find and collect a unique Papua New Guinea Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus), let alone when it’s going to be offered […]