The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

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So I’ve been keeping an eye on things.  The main concern is a very slight level of Nitrite showing up on my tests…less than 0.1 ppm.  As soon as that goes away, we should be good to go. So here’s how the water in the Ecoxotic tested out this morning: Seachem pH – 8.1 Seachem […]

It’s been a while now and things are going well in the new Ecoxotic tank.  Between our son getting sick, me watching him because of it, and somehow still pulling more than a full work week, and then getting sick myself, I’ve been distracted from the project so being “patient” was easy. I gave the […]

This is arguably the most special part of the ensemble.  No words spared, it’s another in-depth unboxing article you’ll want to check out if you’re into LEDs.  Bottom line for me – Modular LEDs = a win for consumers.  Check it out on ReefBuilders –

With sustainability at the forefront of this project, the moment I saw this in my tank I knew I was ready for the next step.  Tuesday, I decided to tackle this: I didn’t go rushing out for a couple dozen Astrea snails or Dwarf Blue Legged Hermits from Florida.  No, I opted to look at […]

Yes, that is the blazing light of Heaven, apparently having be collected, stored and rebroadcast via the LEDs in the Ecoxotic Panorama fixture above what will be the Lightning Maroon’s permanent home.  I’m just throwing out this sneak peak for now so you all know I’m really working my buns off on it. FYI, the […]

It’s Monday, and I owe you all a status update.  Last Thursday, I spent the day moving the tank around the room.   I thought we had an agreed upon spot, but the family agreement was that  I get the basement, and she gets the house.  Thus, the Ecoxotic tank, the Lightning Maroon’s future home, is […]

So here’s the rundown so far: Monday, get everything basically assembled.  Shoot something like 630 + images on this first day alone.  Pester Ike Eigenbrode way too much, but he’s cool about it. Tuesday, rewire an outlet and reset every clock in the house.  Get reluctant approval from my wife on final location and orientation […]

While I was on the road most of last week, I didn’t totally miss out on the latest round of Papua New Guinea / SEASMART / EcoEZ related news.  In the interest of keeping things brief, two new developments to post up today.  First is Ret Talbot’s ongoing interest, this time discussing the possible disconnect […]

Cat officially out of the bag, just before 11:00 AM this morning, as I sat here in my boxers on a chilly MLK Day holiday, a big thump on our front porch got the dog in attack mode.  FedEx was here, dropping off boxes.  Big Boxes.  Boxes that said “FRAGILE” and had “ECOXOTIC” on the […]

I was downstairs shooting pictures this evening, specifically because the last (and only remaining) of the Bundoon Blenny babies has fully settled out – needed images for my MBI (Marine Breeding Initiative, settlement reports (more points in the BAP – that’s Breeder’s Award Program for those of you who aren’t familiar with BAPs from […]