The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts published in February, 2011

Yeah, I took a small chunk of my birthday money and ordered corals for the tank.  While I really, really would’ve liked to pull the trigger on some of the fantastic Goneastreas that have been showing up in the Diver’s Den, I really can’t spend that kind of money on coral for this tank. […]

Tested again this morning – Calcium on the Salifert was down to 425 ppm and that was after another day’s worth of dosing 3 X .25 ml/gallon of C-Balance.  Hmm.  Did I just use 10 ppm of calcium overnight, or is it really just that there’s a certain margin of error with the test kit?  […]

I’m continuing to get the tank “dialed in” as they say.  Thursday and Friday I dosed the tank 3 times per day with .25 ML / gallon (6 ML) of each C-Balance 2-part solution.  Thursday evening, Jay stopped by and brought his Salifert test kit for Magnesium.  We ran it side by side with my […]

The last installment of this 4-part series ran this morning on Reef Builders.  Check it out – I know some of you are kinda going “what does this have to do with the Lightning Project?”.  Well, in a hobby that is currently having a bit of a reality check where sustainability is the new […]

So I’ve been keeping an eye on things.  The main concern is a very slight level of Nitrite showing up on my tests…less than 0.1 ppm.  As soon as that goes away, we should be good to go. So here’s how the water in the Ecoxotic tested out this morning: Seachem pH – 8.1 Seachem […]

It’s been a while now and things are going well in the new Ecoxotic tank.  Between our son getting sick, me watching him because of it, and somehow still pulling more than a full work week, and then getting sick myself, I’ve been distracted from the project so being “patient” was easy. I gave the […]

This is arguably the most special part of the ensemble.  No words spared, it’s another in-depth unboxing article you’ll want to check out if you’re into LEDs.  Bottom line for me – Modular LEDs = a win for consumers.  Check it out on ReefBuilders –

So this afternoon, something rather unexpected happened.  The Labrador Maroon’s ovipositor was down.  I’ve NEVER seen it down before.  It is still down hours later tonight. So the big question – what now?  Of course, it did occur to me that I could introduce the Lightning Maroon to see if I could get a spawn.  […]

With sustainability at the forefront of this project, the moment I saw this in my tank I knew I was ready for the next step.  Tuesday, I decided to tackle this: I didn’t go rushing out for a couple dozen Astrea snails or Dwarf Blue Legged Hermits from Florida.  No, I opted to look at […]

Short and Sweet, the second of the 4-part series coving the unboxing of the Ecoxotic 25 gallon LED Aquarium System is up at ReefBuilders.  Check it out here –