The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged photos

The next batch of photos from a day later, on 7-18-2012:

So this amounts to a chronological retelling of the story to date, this time with photos, starting  a couple weeks back now.  Perhaps not in as much detail as my minute-by-minute updates, but a good overview of the run to date. June 21st, 2012 The ongoing health problems with the Lightning Maroon remained, and the […]

Yes, there is one sure fire way to get an update – heckle me into it via the comment system here at So for starters, let’s talk NPS (Non PhotoSynthetic corals).  Yes, I’ve had some Balanophyllia for a while now, as a somewhat local reefer grows them like crazy and they always end up […]

Turnabout is fair play – come here to shoot the Lightning Maroon Clownfish and expected to get shot yourself (granted, I asked for permission to both shoot and post 😉 ) I have to say, Gary was a trooper – our club brought him to Duluth, MN, only to drive him 3 hours west to […]

I promised something new, so it seems now is a good time to say that once again, the rubbing, cleaning, and courting continue.  However, we still have no eggs.  Despite the ongoing waiting period, it doesn’t prevent aquarists like John Coppolino, and Marc Levenson, both in Duluth to speak at our local club, from being […]

Just like it sounds, nothing but picture upon picture after picture of the Lightning Maroon and its new mate, the proven male PNG White Stripe Maroon Clownfish (also a SEASMART-caught Maroon fish Fisherman’s Island).  The pair is definitely becoming more bonded with each day.  Given that the Gold Stripe Maroon pair (where the Lightning’s mate […]

As promised, finally, the process of pairing up the Lightning Maroon with a known male PNG Maroon is finally underway. To put it bluntly, without a doubt I am convinced that for the last year, the Lightning Maroon has been male.  Why?  Well, first, watch this video of the female Gold Stripe Maroon that used […]

Yes, the Lighting Maroon is currently still a Jailbird, and all of today’s mugshots were taken behind bars! There is little to report at this time.  All the Maroons in the house are happy and healthy.  All the new PNG Juvies are going through QT still.  The Labrador Maroon continues to renovate the tank outside […]

There is simply nothing “new” to report.  This is how clownfish breeding can go sometimes…you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.  At the request of Anderson, I needed to take some pictures today.  A couple pictures of a large Maroon Clownfish with dark barring had surfaced on the internet, and he asked if I […]

Today was just a crazy day.  A week in the making, I owe a bit of thanks to Jonica and her husband Scott (rest of her name withheld for privacy).  They provided the impetus for a day long road trip from Duluth to the Twin Cities region to pick up another massive female Maroon Clownfish.  […]