The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged lightning maroon clownfish

So first off, yes, the Lightning Maroon Clownfish is still alive and healthy and living in its Bubble Tip Anemones.  It remains still inside a breeder net, with the large “Labrador” Maroon clown from Frank and Mary lurking outside.  The net has become overgrown with algae, so I am currently thinking of making a “cage” […]

Well folks, nothing new to say really.  There are PNG Maroons being held @ Blue Zoo Aquatics by the trusty staff there…they’ll send them to me when the time is right.  In the meantime, the Lightning Maroon enjoys swimming in its Bubble Tip Anemones, and I enjoy being a new dad!  Yes, not much to […]

So good news!  The fine folks @ SEASMART and BLUE ZOO have more PNG Maroons for me, on their way from Fisherman’s Island! Amazing how a short chain of custody, with fish collected specifically to fill particular orders, can work to the hobbyist’s benefit.  I’m eager to see what arrives and to document it all. […]

My May/June 2010 issue of CORAL Magazine just arrived today. I knew what was coming, but still, it’s always exciting to get a fresh issue of CORAL.  Ret Talbot’s article in Reef News on the Lightning Clown provides yet another view on the story of the Lightning Maroon.  There’s a bit more about SEASMART as […]

Some of the readers of this blog are aware that we had a pending home purchase in the works when this project started.  Thankfully it was a short move.  NOTHING like my marathon 8-hour drive move from Chicago, IL to Duluth, MN, where I moved 4 reefs and 2 juvie tanks all in one shot […]

So just discovered the female PNG Maroon dead this morning.   End of her story.  The entire tank has crashed out…once agian, a tank running for months and at one point had 150 small black ocellaris in it.  .  Both anemones I had in the tank are dead too.  Basically I was unable to do anything […]

So, lacking anything else worthwhile that I could really do to help this fish along, I turned to the group of advisers. I had my own ideas, but when I approach this group of people, I’ve learned I may get better advice if I hold my own ideas back and simply come as a blank […]

So, after last night’s update, I went downstairs and gave the fish a closer look and that’s when I saw something I really didn’t like. The female’s right eye was distended and had a big black splotch on it. There was not a spot of Cryptocaryon on her, which was the “moment” I had been […]

Yes, another extremely short update because the Lightning Maroon is doing well and his mate is still “sick” but “stable”. Still has cloudy eyes, still eats circling to the left. Kanamycin never showed up this week 🙁 Disappointed to say the least. Kept the PNG Maroon on Maracyn SW for another couple days but it’s […]

So, a bunch of clownfish porn this evening, because frankly, a blog is kinda boring if it’s just always text text text text text. The female PNG Maroon is definitely doing better, yet still sick.  Still has cloudy eyes.  After I fed and shot video this evening, she got another water change with full strength […]