The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts in Lighting Maroon Clownfish

So I’ve been busy, nothing else really to it, just busy.  I’ve been remiss in posting up some photos of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish offspring as they’ve been developing.  I’ll be posting up  a large collection of shots from the past couple weeks, and we’ll start with: 7-17-2012

A special thanks goes out to Shane & Len at Advanced Aquarist for co-publishing this blog entry there – it seemed like the perfect contribution given the style of material they like to cover. The Lightning Project Just to bring you up to speed, it’s been over 2 years since the “Lightning Maroon” from PNG made […]

These fish just keep getting better and better. I have tons of images, but I can’t wait until I can actually get really good images for everyone to see. I’m sure some people may be wondering why the images are so “crappy”. Well, I’m shooting without a macro lens for starters. But there’s also something […]

…I will name this one Tesla.  12 days post hatch.  Already mean as snot and fighting in the tub.

Settlement is almost done…a few stragglers tonight, just before midnight on 7/9/2012.  You caught a glimpse of this expanded photo set earlier this morning @ ReefBuilders. I have to pull my thoughts together to post up some very important information about possible genetics (granted, it is all premature…what looks “odd” at this point could totally […]

I let Jake Adams break the news on ReefBuilders, sending him shots in the late/earlier hours (depends on your frame of mind).  I’m quoting an excerpt from Jake’s great writeup from ReefBuilders here, because he really presents an objective view. “Even though the maroon lighting maroon clownfish was paired with a related Premnas biaculeatus from Papua New Guinea, […]

So this amounts to a chronological retelling of the story to date, this time with photos, starting  a couple weeks back now.  Perhaps not in as much detail as my minute-by-minute updates, but a good overview of the run to date. June 21st, 2012 The ongoing health problems with the Lightning Maroon remained, and the […]

Yes, that “surprise” that happened today was the honestly unanticipated 2nd spawning of the Lightning Maroon.  The massive flooding in Duluth the last couple days prevented Barb from making the trip to teach me how to do a skin scrape on the Lightning Maroon; had she come yesterday as originally planned, I very well may […]

So the day after I said “we’re all good”, I should’ve known better. The very next day, the left eye on the Lightning Maroon started to pop out yet again.  It’s an odd thing in that it’s the tissue that surrounds the eye in the socket that is getting pushed out, creating a ring around the […]

I believe I shot these Sunday AM.   It is now Monday AM, and honestly, things are improving.  The appetite of the Lightning Maroon remains strong, which I’ve used to ensure that it continues to feed on the Dr. G’s antibacterial formula.  I should preface this by saying that the Lightning Maroon has always been […]