The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged mating

A special thanks goes out to Shane & Len at Advanced Aquarist for co-publishing this blog entry there – it seemed like the perfect contribution given the style of material they like to cover. The Lightning Project Just to bring you up to speed, it’s been over 2 years since the “Lightning Maroon” from PNG made […]

Yes, that “surprise” that happened today was the honestly unanticipated 2nd spawning of the Lightning Maroon.  The massive flooding in Duluth the last couple days prevented Barb from making the trip to teach me how to do a skin scrape on the Lightning Maroon; had she come yesterday as originally planned, I very well may […]

So 24 hours later, not a new scratch on the smaller PNG Male, and the larger PNG female White Stripe Maroon has been tolerating her new mate. They both share the Red Bubble Tip Anemone that is in the tank (Entacmaea quadicolor). Big step forward indeed. The biggest change I noticed when observing them this […]

Today I released the “male” PNG Maroon into the Lightning Maroon’s tank once more. For most of the afternoon, NOTHING happened, because the Lightning Maroon spent the evening hiding it it’s cave, and the PNG Maroon mostly wallowed in the ORA Red Goniopora at the far opposite end of the tank. However, in the middle […]

As I turned the specimen cup over on the male PNG Maroon this afternoon, the fish struggled not to leave the protective confines of its plastic prison. It took only 5 seconds to understand why – it was immediately met with violent attacks from the Lightning Maroon Clownfish. After a minute or two of watching, […]

So that didn’t go well… I tried the “diversion” / “dither fish” pairing tactic with the other PNG Maroons I’ve been trying to pair up.  I initially added three small Onyx Percula culls, and then released the male PNG Maroon from his “cage”.  I was shooting video, but the battery ran out so I’m not […]

Pairing remains at a standstill for the Lightning Maroon, in large part given my desire to sit in front of the tank for an extended period and keep a watchful eye over the interactions so I can intervene if need be. Meanwhile, I’ve been digging through my circle of fish friends and trying to see […]

I know you’re all excited…well…there WAS a PNG Maroon Clown involved, but it was NOT a “Lightning Maroon”.  No, the spawn I found today was between the large Sumatran Gold Stripe Maroon female from Jonica, and one of the small male PNG White Stripe Maroons which I had placed with the GSM to ensure it […]