The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged video

If you’ve been paying attention to the pairing experiments and attempts I made with the PNG Maroon pairs (the Lightning + White Stripe Pair and the other normal PNG WS pair) you’ll recall that in both cases, I kept the males in small isolated chambers within the larger female’s tank for several months, and yet […]

I took some time on Wednesday, July 27th, 2011, and Thursday (the 28th) to shoot these two videos that better show the behavior of this pair during daylight hours.  The first, from the 27th, was towards late evening when I find these fish rather retiring and shy – I had to use Nutramar Ova to […]

So it’s been a busy few weeks.  I mentioned back on June 25th that I thought I had found success pairing up the White Stripe Maroons, but it was preliminary and I didn’t want to get hopes up. A trip to the Florida Keys prevented me from sharing this first update, which is video I […]

So last night, I worked on my pairing techniques with the normal White Striped PNG Maroons again.  I took the “female” out of the breeder box and returned her to the main tank, where the male had been recouperating from their last encounter.  All in all, I think things went remarkably better.  Still, after a […]

So that didn’t go well… I tried the “diversion” / “dither fish” pairing tactic with the other PNG Maroons I’ve been trying to pair up.  I initially added three small Onyx Percula culls, and then released the male PNG Maroon from his “cage”.  I was shooting video, but the battery ran out so I’m not […]

Once again, trying to pair up the Lightning Maroon.  It has been almost 2 months since I tried introducing the small proven male PNG Maroon Clown with the Lightning Clownfish back on April 11th, and a few days later it did it’s own pairing attempt overnight on the 14th.  I didn’t realize it had been […]

Not much else to say, just a short snippet of the Lighting Maroon flirting with a ORA Red Goniopora colony while being bathed in a sliver of afternoon Easter sunlight.

As promised, finally, the process of pairing up the Lightning Maroon with a known male PNG Maroon is finally underway. To put it bluntly, without a doubt I am convinced that for the last year, the Lightning Maroon has been male.  Why?  Well, first, watch this video of the female Gold Stripe Maroon that used […]

I know you’re all excited…well…there WAS a PNG Maroon Clown involved, but it was NOT a “Lightning Maroon”.  No, the spawn I found today was between the large Sumatran Gold Stripe Maroon female from Jonica, and one of the small male PNG White Stripe Maroons which I had placed with the GSM to ensure it […]

I’ve been thinking, planning, and waiting, and for no reason whatsoever, tonight was the night.  Time to allow the Lightning Maroon out of the jail cell for some exercise in the yard.  Perhaps also time for a no-barriers meet-and-greet with the Labrador Maroon (a White Stripe variant of Premnas biaculeatus from unknown origins). I could […]