The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts published in July, 2012

I let Jake Adams break the news on ReefBuilders, sending him shots in the late/earlier hours (depends on your frame of mind).  I’m quoting an excerpt from Jake’s great writeup from ReefBuilders here, because he really presents an objective view. “Even though the maroon lighting maroon clownfish was paired with a related Premnas biaculeatus from Papua New Guinea, […]

I keep tabs on the internet and once in a while go out and scour for new links to add to the links page here.  One of the many I found this evening is a lively discussion that cropped up on  First, thanks for the enthusiasm guys; I hope you all enjoy the journey! […]

8 days post hatch.  To brine, or not to brine, that is the question. First noticed this at roughly 1:30 PM on July 7th, 2012.  Dare you to hold your breath…

So this amounts to a chronological retelling of the story to date, this time with photos, starting  a couple weeks back now.  Perhaps not in as much detail as my minute-by-minute updates, but a good overview of the run to date. June 21st, 2012 The ongoing health problems with the Lightning Maroon remained, and the […]

I am still owing the world a full post, but in the interest if simply keeping you all relatively updated, here’s some short tidbits. Based on an egg photo count, there was 310 eggs on the tile and all hatched.  There have been some larval losses, but that is to be expected.  Mike Doty did […]