The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged spawn

Just jotting down notes…Spawn #45 of the wild Lightning Maroon pair happened on the evening of 11-19-2014.  Meanwhile, LxL (the F1 Lightning Pair) Spawn #5 was gone by the same day….they obviously didn’t like me tiling their entire tank. I need to go by more terra cotta flowerpots…maybe they’ll like that.

So much going on and I’m NOT doing a proper job of tracking things. I should start with the unrelated F0 PNG White Stripe Maroon Clownfish pair…they spawned sometime last week, possibly Wednesday the 12th. I didn’t make much of a fuss about documentation of it because I knew I couldn’t deal with them at […]

So yeah…October 2nd, I’m just walking by the tank and I see this… We are about to embark on the next exciting chapter of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish and genes.  My hypothesis is that the Lightning gene is partially dominant or dominant. The offspring from this spawn, if successfully raised, will yield important answers that […]

Yup, one of those quick little posts…9-29-2014, Lightning Maroon Spawn #41 was put down…and we’re back on the “slanted” tile instead of the vertical one. And alongside, the loaner pair of A. melanopus from Mike Doty also spawned on 9-29 as well…time to get me some MBI points! That is all…

White Stripe Spawn #3 seems to have hatched earlier than expected.  I was looking at the tank on Saturday, 9-13, which would’ve been the day to pull the tile, but the eggs were already gone.  So they may well be on a 5 day schedule?! Meanwhile, Lightning Maroon Spawn #40 was laid on 9-10-2014.  I’ll […]

I skipped worrying about the hatch on the last spawn…we simply have too much going on in our lives at the moment to effectively start rearing a batch of clownfish this week.  Meanwhile, on 9/7/2014, the White Stripe Maroons, the unrelated F0 pairing, put down another nest, but small.  I’ve yet to see a really […]

After a lot of downtime, the Lightning Maroon Clownfish F0 pair settled back in and put down a SMALL nest yesterday, in the afternoon of 8-30-2014.  This after a couple tile house collapses and such, combined with a diet change, which put them off for a few weeks.  Basically, I accidentally thawed the Shrimp/Scallop mix […]

I discovered spawn #38 around 10 PM on 7-28-2014.  Typical big orange spawn on the sloped ceiling tile.

Sadly, I should have done this the DAY it happened, because now I’ve totally forgotten.  But sometime last week (I think Wednesday or Thursday), the 2nd wild (F0) pair of PNG White Stripes that I have on hand put down a nest, and for the first time it’s “on the tile”.  I should also mention […]

It felt like this one took a long time to happen; spawn #37 was laid this afternoon by the Lightning Maroon Clownfish and her white stripe mate, 7-12-2014. That is all…