The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts in Lighting Maroon Clownfish

This is why aquarists don’t like going out of town: And yet, I still have an upcoming trip to talk at PNWMAS this weekend.  Since I am only now really recovered from  truly abnormal overtime (I think I worked a month’s worth of hours in the first half of the month?) I figured I at […]

I’ve been thinking, planning, and waiting, and for no reason whatsoever, tonight was the night.  Time to allow the Lightning Maroon out of the jail cell for some exercise in the yard.  Perhaps also time for a no-barriers meet-and-greet with the Labrador Maroon (a White Stripe variant of Premnas biaculeatus from unknown origins). I could […]

Yes, the Lighting Maroon is currently still a Jailbird, and all of today’s mugshots were taken behind bars! There is little to report at this time.  All the Maroons in the house are happy and healthy.  All the new PNG Juvies are going through QT still.  The Labrador Maroon continues to renovate the tank outside […]

Today was just a crazy day.  A week in the making, I owe a bit of thanks to Jonica and her husband Scott (rest of her name withheld for privacy).  They provided the impetus for a day long road trip from Duluth to the Twin Cities region to pick up another massive female Maroon Clownfish.  […]

So with this latest shipment of PNG Maroons, I now have the following inventory: 1 PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish, sex indeterminant 1 PNG Morse Code Maroon Clown, sex indeterminant 4 PNG Maroon Clownfish, your typical White Stripe variety, all still at sizes where they should be male or “juvenile”. 1 “Labrador” Maroon Clownfish, a massive […]

A big shipment of fish, including PNG Maroon Clownfish from the Papua New Guinea SEASMART program landed on my doorstep the morning of July 1st, 2010.  As you likely know, it’s been a bit of a dance to get fish ready for shipment as well as conditions being right to receive a shipment!  I’m glad […]

It’s been a BUSY day. Possibly will get the post on the cliffhanger done yet tonight, but you might get to wait a few days. We’ll just see… In the meantime, I tried out Renee’s new Nikon D5000. It shoots video in HD apparently, so I took this one of the Lightning Maroon…enjoy!

So, a bunch of clownfish porn this evening, because frankly, a blog is kinda boring if it’s just always text text text text text. The female PNG Maroon is definitely doing better, yet still sick.  Still has cloudy eyes.  After I fed and shot video this evening, she got another water change with full strength […]

So, plans have been in motion.  So many plans that in fact I’m not sure I laid them all out! The most pressing issue remains the female PNG Maroon and her never-ending health battle.  Today, Monday, she’s decided to swim around more, to possibly eat better, but also to develop cloudiness in both eyes now. […]

So, I just wrapped up the drip acclimation…bucket water was at 1.024/25, close enough.  Hand moved the fish into the breeder net and watched it for a minute or two.  The fish is PRISTINE, not a mark on it.  It brushed up against the smaller BTAs (Bubble Tip Anemones) and showed no signs of getting […]