Somewhere along the line I alluded to the fact that there was at least one US-based person involved in the Lightning Maroon auctions who had the foresight to obtain wild PNG Maroon Clownfish from Scott Fellman at Unique Corals with the express intent of using them as mates for the offspring from this project. I tried to do the same, but as I’ve shared before, the abrupt loss of exports from EcoAquariums PNG meant that once again, I was thwarted in my own attempts to beef up my base of wild genetics.

A wild (F0) Premnas biaculeatus “PNG White Stripe” Maroon Clownfish purchased through Unique Corals.
That person I alluded to is Brandon Mehlhoff.
I won’t share all the details, but we sat across the table from each other at the post MBI Workshop dinner this year and the topic of PNG Maroons came up, and the fact that he had one (the fish shown above). I basically said “name your price”, at which point he revealed who he was and why the fish was not for sale, at any price. The moment I learned of his intentions, my thought shifted completely from “I gotta get him to part with this fish” to “this guy really needs a Lightning Maroon, as his outcross pairing of a F1 from my breeding to a F0 from PNG, will help start a distinct line and expand the genetic base for the entire captive Lightning Maroon population”.
Lucky for Brandon, he got “the fish” he needed in round 2 of the auctions, the winning bidder of LM15.

Lightning Maroon #15 (LM15) – Brandon’s fish.
While most fish were destined to be shipped out, Brandon proved his dedication to the project by requesting that he personally pick up and transport his fish. Brandon, a North Dakota native and rare clownfish enthusiast (he also maintains Mccullochis among others) made a 24 hour whirlwind trip to personally come to my fishroom.
Of course, it was a great excuse to get some much needed cleanup done (still an ongoing process as I’m setting up more growout for FW in my formerly open space in the middle of the room…I now have two aisle). Brandon got to see his fish, and all the others firsthand. Of course, he was able to pay his respects to “Mama Lightning”.
I certainly would’ve let Brandon stay all day if he liked, but he still had to drive home and put away some very precious cargo. Time to bag ’em up:
After a long drive home and acclimation into the wee hours of the morning, Brandon was very happy to send me a few photographs of LM15 in the new fishroom. This pairing is going to be an important one owing to the outcrossed genetics. Depending on who’s interpretation of filials you care to go by, Brandon’s potential offspring are either F1 or F2 (from a more generalized viewpoint, they are F1 in the greater scientific community. In the aquarium world, they *might* be called F2 by many since one parent is F1).
Either way, an important pair to follow in terms of genetic stability and known provenance for Lightning Maroon Clownfish.
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