Not a lot of time tonight, so I get to be real quick.
Spawn #44 was laid by the F0 pair on late evening of 11/3/2014.  Spawn #43 ended up no hatching much when it was finally set up, but seems to have hatched apparently during the morning.
I opted to harvest 50% of the nest from the F1 Lightning X Lightning pair tonight, the 7th night post hatch, the overnight from 11/3 into 11/4. I used a very simple harvesting technique, using a section of air tubing, inserting the tip section from a 2 ml pipette, which was cut at an angle on the harvesting end.  The eggs were scraped from the back wall while the tubing was siphoning into a specimen cup.  The harvested eggs were added to a brine shrimp hatchery resting in a water bath in a BRT, with a bubble rate of a few bubbles per second.  3 larvae were dislodged from their eggs during harvest…one was viable and started swimming, while the other two appeared lifeless.