Blue Zoo Aquatics has listed the next 8 offspring from the Lightning Maroon Clownfish, dubbed the “Amazing 8”. The auction is live on eBay at this time – you can view all the auctions quickly via Blue Zoo Aquatics’ eBay items listing.
The first auction started Saturday night, 9/14/2013, with LM7. As of this evening, 7 of the 8 are up, with the last fish, LM12, due to start the morning of 9/18/2013 (just a few hours from now).

LM12 – the last fish to be listed for the Round 3 Auctions, listing the morning of 9/18/13
Here’s a snapshot of the auctions this very early morning at around 3 AM central time:
LM7 – currently $660.00
WS9 – currently $102.50
WS15 – currently $100.00
LM3 – currently $660.00
WS6 – currently $202.50
WS16 – currently $5.50
WS14 – currently $0.99!
LM12 -to be listed soon…
The other interesting part I have to mention is that this group will remove a large portion of the remaining offspring I’ll have available to sell. 10 fish in the inventory remain, although I have two more Lightning holdbacks I could opt to part with or might use for other purposes, and if all goes well the one sole survivor of Spawn #10, a baby lightning, could play a future role here too.
Fish that will likely be in some future auctions include WS4, WS7, LM6. LM9, WS11, LM11, WS13, LM13, LM14, LM17.
I should point out that if you want a white stripe offspring, there won’t be many chances left and you might want to secure your fish this time. I may need to select one or two of the remaining four for my own breeding purposes; either way after round #3, there simply wont’ be much left in the way of White Stripe siblings (I still believe that the most promising pairing to produce more Lightning Maroons will be a Lightning crossed with it’s White Stripe sibling, which I think will yield 50/50 results just like their parents).
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