So back on March 31st, in the midst of plenty of hard-core programming for work, I got a call from Fed Ex. Mark Martin had arranged for a “hold at facility” on my shipment, which meant that Fed Ex called me when the boxes arrived. It is better, and often quicker, than letting the fish bounce around on the truck, possibly exposed to the elements. The only added hassel is that you have to go to Fed Ex to pick up the shipment.

Pulling up to the Fed Ex Facility...

Got a prime parking spot...

Walked in the front door...

...and left with 2 big boxes of fish from Blue Zoo Aquatics!
Got home, and opened up the boxes. Here’s how it went down…

Open up the box...

...Take off the lid...

Set aside the Blue Zoo Care Packages for later use

...Peel back the newspaper....

...Open up the outer bag...

...check out the size of this bag...I wonder what is in here?... up the smaller bag containing the large Female SEASMART collected PNG Maroon Clownfish...

...check the Salinity in the bag....

...Adding in Stress Guard per the Blue Zoo Instructions...

...time to open the BIG BAG....

...and there it is. The SEASMART-collected Lightning Maroon Clownfish from Papua New Guinea (PNG)!

Another look at the Lightning Maroon Clownfish in the bag!

Up close on the Lightning Maroon Clownfish - check out this dorsal view!

Check out the relative symetry of the markings on this PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus!
Stay tuned for the next installment of the recap…”Accliimation”!
All images are copyright 2010 Matt Pedersen. No reuse without express written consent!
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