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Status – paired, Duluth, MN
Type – Premnas biaculeatus “MW PNG White Stripe” F1
Parents – P. biaculeatus “PNG White Stripe” F0 (male) X P. biaculeatus “PNG Lightning” F0 (female)
ID – MD2
Hatch Date – June 29th, 2012
Images – Shot 2/28/2014
Images taken October 12, 2012

MD2 is one of the white stripe offspring I passed to Mike Doty. It’s interesting to note that both fish had split first spines on the dorsal fin – while the Lightning in the pairing eventually saw the spine atrophy, this white stripe or “morse code” male utlimately saw the spine fully grow in, ultimately revealing a very nice clean front dorsal fin.
Mike initially held them in a small nano reef, the Lightning (MD1) being given roam of the tank while the white stripe was held in a net box.
In late November, 2013, Mike moved the fish into a larger 20 gallon aquarium, and successfully paired them.
They are now a solidly paired couple.
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