It’s now 4/30/2015….I was gone last week on a fishing trip, during which the Lightning Maroon X White Stripe (wild pair) threw down a spawn; this would be their 53rd spawn. Most of the eggs are gone, but what remains appears viable, but VERY small. Something still isn’t quite right here.
As of “lights on” around 1PM, the latest spawn from the F1 Lightning X Lightning pair has yet to hatch, but is looking solid? This 11th spawn was laid back on April 22nd; yesterday would have been the 7th night and they should most certainly have hatched by that point. It’ll be interesting to see if they hatch out today or tonight… [Update – the eggs were still present the morning of May 1st, but gone on Saturday morning, May 2nd. That puts these guys hatching on day 9?!]
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